Aici e sfarsitul.
Ne indreptam cu pasi marunti spre apus
Asemeni unor spirite inlantuite
In ceea ce avem, in ceea ce am avut
In ceea ce s-a petrecut chiar nu demult.
Uitam ca suntem noi, ne agatam de vise
De masti, de oameni, de inimi chinuite
De suferinta, lacrimi, de suflete zdrobite
Si ne hranim.
Da, ne hranim cu sentimente mute,
Cu lacrimi, suferinta, cu suflete zdrobite
Durere ce implicit devine si a ta
Si-a lui, si-a ei si paradoxal, a mea.
E haos, debandada, e desfranare, multa
Agonie, dezastru, cenusa, gol in suflet
Caci ai plecat si nu mi-ai spus
Prefac un urlet si ma intorc
Ma-ntorc acasa, dar ea nu e aici
A ars, a ars demult, e bucatele mici
Acum degeaba, menirea mi-a distrus-o
Calatoria-ceea, de sute de minute.
Cad in genunchi si plang,
Cu sentimente mute, cu lacrimi, suferinta
Pentru acele suflete zdrobite.
joi, 20 septembrie 2012
Time to write again... Not in the mood for anything, but writing... It feels comforting, even if it's in english. I like english. I always have liked it. It's like I've been a english person in the past life. Well, I'll write about, let's see... My relationship? Alright then.
It is screwed. He's careless, he doesn't call, he doesn't talk, he's always not in the mood, he's bored, he doesn't smile... Honestly, I don't know if I've been through this before... I mean, everything is so complicated, as you can see, my life is complicated. Not because I want it to be like this, but because all the people that come and go, and are never staying... Permanently. They're just passengers between me and something else, I guess, bigger than my own person, beyond my power of understooding. And that makes me sad. I'm sorry for complaining, dear BLOG ( I know no one's really reading my posts, and I like it that way). It is my way of expressing my anger and pain through words...
It is screwed. He's careless, he doesn't call, he doesn't talk, he's always not in the mood, he's bored, he doesn't smile... Honestly, I don't know if I've been through this before... I mean, everything is so complicated, as you can see, my life is complicated. Not because I want it to be like this, but because all the people that come and go, and are never staying... Permanently. They're just passengers between me and something else, I guess, bigger than my own person, beyond my power of understooding. And that makes me sad. I'm sorry for complaining, dear BLOG ( I know no one's really reading my posts, and I like it that way). It is my way of expressing my anger and pain through words...
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